2016年9月12日 星期一

CUHK English Language Education - Wing (2016)







CUHK Psychology - Kelly Chau (2016)

“What should I do in this long summer vacation?” I believe many university students have thought of this question when it comes to summer. Our semester ends in late April or early May and so our summer holiday approximately lasts for four months. Plenty of things can be done in these four months, like travelling around, summer exchange, volunteer work or even internship. In order to “enrich” our CV and make ourselves more competitive,however, in most cases we will choose internship, and so did I in the last summer.

Talking about internship, words like “boredom”, “admin work”, “dull” etc. will always come to our minds together. Although we may gain work experience related to the field of work we want to engage in, we have expected that most of our work is not that related and very much boring. For instance, admin work is something that we want to avoid but we can’t. And at the same time, we may hope for meeting some great friends in the workplace but we understand that it is not easy. To me, internship is not that attractive at all. Forgetting about the CV or competitiveness, I would prefer other stuff for my summer.

It was what I thought before I came to Link Education.

An ordinary university student like me is difficult to get a good internship of psychology. With a fair GPA and not much experience, the number of jobs that I could select is small, let alone the chance of being selected. Yet, Link Education still gave me a chance to work for.

Without a doubt, admin work is included in my duty. The content of my work, however, allowed me to learn more. I was responsible for updating the Facebook page of Link Education from time to time. The posts we shared or created are all related to SEN students. By pushing me to find more news or information about SEN, I knew more and more about those students and their situations in Hong Kong which it is seldom mentioned by the society. Gradually, I did the work from my bottom of my heart. It was no longer boring anymore because I felt like I had to help them and let more people know. The work’s nature is meaningful to me then.

Apart from admin work, to my surprise, was give many chances during my internship. My colleagues invited us to hold lessons in school for SEN students with them from time to time. Once we committed to attending a course, we had many things to do. Before lessons, we had to prepare teaching materials. My colleagues would never order me to make any. Instead, they would discuss with me, brainstorming new ideas, and then decide what to do in the coming lessons. During the discussions, I could absorb more ideas and knowledge. For example, I would know what kinds of games are suitable under what circumstances. And I felt that I was included in the process.

In the class, we mainly observed and assisted our colleagues. I could learn how they managed a class of SEN students and at the same time developed some relationships with those students to smoothen the class. In many cases, however, they would offer chances to me to hold the lesson or lead a game and feedbacks and suggestions were always given for me to improve. They were really trying to make me grow and do better and better in the future. Apart from that, they would discuss the situations of some students with me as well, giving me some directions of how to communicate with and teach those students. I have really learned a lot from them.

Again, different from what I had expected, I met great people and friends during internship as well. Colleagues in Link Education are all friendly and nice. They were willing to include every interns in their workplace and talk to them. Despite the fact that they are superb busy, they would still spare time with the interns and chat with them. They cared about me wholeheartedly. When I was disappointed or frustrated, they would always give me a helping hand and listen to me. Although there were some times they played tricks on me, they were true and considerate.

I have never expected that my internship will be that fruitful and happy. The work is great and the people are great too! They give me directions of my future, giving me more courage and making me more determined for my future. I would say I was glad to have this job and them in this summer because to me, this summer is very decisive and inspiring.

Kelly Chau from CUHK (Psychology)

HKEdU BEd( Liberal Studies) & BA (Chinese Language) - 凌 旨(13點) (2016)




謝謝共融教室拓闊我在「SEN」的眼界,提供一個又一個的實習機會:設計與規劃課堂大綱、到校支援有讀寫障礙或是自閉症的學生的實踐階段、教授小一寶寶「執書包」(技巧執行班)、在社交平台舉辦一些關注視障人士的問答活動、參與「職活」的錄音以及在嘉年華協助舉辦攤位…… 這些的學習體驗加深了我對SEN學生的了解,透過面對面地與他們接觸,真實、確切明白他們的需要和教學上具體的支援工作。也要感謝同事們不斷的提醒、包容及鼓勵,使我學有所成,更讓我清晰未來教育服侍的工作方向和使命。這些經歷,我相信也是絕無僅有。(八個月的實習期也該是絕無僅有)感謝天父!讓我在大學生涯第四年遇上了這樣一個難得的機會!




謝謝James「收容」以及接納我!謝謝中文組的各位:Walter,彩虹,偉祺與Monic!謝謝大家一直以來的信任,給我無數發揮的機會和很大的自由度,讓我把所思所想都一一實行出來!特別謝謝Walter,從您身上,我學習到謙卑和愛心服侍,在您的課堂總是充滿著歡笑聲,同學們總愛圍在您身邊。這大概是因為您的「真心」感染了他們,也把我感動了。同時,也要謝謝你,不論工作,還是課業,甚至私事,都給予我無限的支持和鼓勵。很感激您常常扶我一把!謝謝Kanix, Jacky, Eva, ,Jonathan!多謝您們時常忍受我和彩虹系列的噪音轟炸和「低低能能」!這八個月謝謝您們給我的鼓勵和關懷,盼望大家能夠向夢想繼續進發,更能成為並肩作戰的好戰友!最後送上一節金句:「教養孩童,使他走行的路,就是到老也不偏離。」(箴言22:6


5 -BEd( Liberal Studies) & BA (Chinese Language)

台北實踐大學社會工作學系 - Hazel Lee (2016)




Hazel Lee