2014年5月14日 星期三

HKU 心理學學士實習生 - Dorothy (2014)

Internship reflection:

Three months of internship passed very quickly and there is no doubt that these three months are very fruitful. I still remember that my personal goal in this internship is to know more about Special education needs (SEN) students. Not only did I have the opportunity to plan lessons for various courses, I also got to involve in the lessons at different schools The most unforgettable experience is when I was assisting in a communication skills course, there was a student who cannot express himself very well and may not seems as bright as other students, but given enough guidance and encouragement, he came to believe in his own abilities to solve the problems we gave him in class. During this period assisting in class, I discovered that many students actually have a lot of potential and I am amazed by them.

Maybe you will ask three months is quite short and what I have learnt? Indeed, I will not deny that there is still a long way for me to understand SEN students, but it raises my awareness about SEN students or the educational system in general. Education and especially SEN students will continue to be issues that I care about. Lastly, working here is a pleasurable experience with close ties between colleagues with guidance from them.

